Security experts as a service and Virtual CISO

Remote information security specialists and managers

Outsourcing or outstaffing of IT and information security is not just an effective solution, but an extremely profitable one as well. We have the best security specialists and managers with the most flexible working modes. We can also work on your behalf for your clients and provide white label services. Learn more about collaboration with us.

Why it is beneficial:

  • For large projects and deliveries, we cover a wide range of standards, develop and implement policies and procedures, work as DPO (for GDPR, etc.). We cover legal, organisational, training and technical security work in 4 languages and we have experience in different cultural environments and industries. It is very difficult to find such an employee.
  • For small projects and supplies, we can be hired even for 0.1 FTE (16 manhours per month). For such a low workload, you are also unlikely to find an employee.
  • Our high level of service is substantiated by our customers from all around the world. These include international information security companies: software vendors, security service providers, distributors, system integrators, auditors, etc.
  • Unlike your employees, we do not get sick nor go on holiday, since we substitute people in such cases.
  • Finally, we are more productive than in-house teams. A typical implementation of ISO 27001 by a company itself takes 9-18 months. We do the same job in 5-9 months.


  • Application Security Analyst
  • SOC Analyst
  • Vulnerability Analyst
  • Identity and Access Management Specialist
  • Virtual Chief Security Manager
  • Incident Response Analyst
  • Risk and Compliance Analyst
  • Cloud Security DevOps Engineer
  • Investigation analyst
  • SIEM Engineer

The process of building cooperation

CISO cooperation building process

The process of building cooperation with us is simple: 1) we define the requirements for the team; 2) allocate the best people and other resources to fulfil these requirements; 3) we optimise the team structure; 4) plan; 5) brief people and bring them up to date; 6) integrate our team with yours; 7) we start the operations described below and report on them.


Operations and functions

We will develop a strategy and tactics for your information security, implement systems and processes, train your people, certify your company and will constantly maintain your security, in particular:

  1. Monitor processes, systems, and security events, and proactively scan for threats.
  2. Respond to all types of security incidents, including internal ones, and conduct investigations.
  3. Participate in your work processes, provide application security, track and manage compliance.
  4. Teach your software developers, testers, and other personnel.
  5. Conduct regular security assessments including social engineering and Red Team.
  6. Develop regular internal and external reports.

Virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO)

Virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO) is an outsourced information security manager. This is a top-level specialist who is responsible for the development and implementation of information security strategies and programmes for your organisation, including risk management, regulatory compliance, consulting and teaching your personnel.

When ordering a vCISO service, you get a dedicated certified information security professional. If necessary, they can be substituted or supplemented by our other managers and specialists in order to ensure the continuity of service and the strengthening of specialisations, for example, in the fields of application security, security event monitoring, etc.

What is CISO-as-a-Service?

CISO-as-a-Service, also known as vCISO (Virtual Chief Information Security Officer) as a Service, is a model that allows organisations to hire a third-party provider to serve as a part-time or on-demand CISO. These providers offer similar services to a traditional, full-time CISO, including cybersecurity risk assessments, security strategy development, incident response planning, and compliance management.

In essence, vCISO-as-a-Service enables organisations to develop and maintain a robust cybersecurity program that aligns with their business goals and risk tolerance, without the need to hire a full-time CISO and incur associated costs.


When do you need a vCISO?

There are various scenarios in which an organisation may benefit from a vCISO (Virtual Chief Information Security Officer), including:

Lack of cybersecurity expertise
Organisations that lack in-house cybersecurity expertise may require a vCISO to assist in developing and implementing a comprehensive cybersecurity program.
Limited budget
Smaller organisations may not have the financial resources to hire a full-time CISO but still require cybersecurity expertise to effectively manage their risks.
Temporary needs
Organisations may need a vCISO for specific projects, such as cybersecurity audits or compliance assessments.
Growth or change
As organisations grow or undergo changes, their cybersecurity needs may evolve. A vCISO can help adapt their cybersecurity program to meet new requirements.
Interim leadership
In the event of an unexpected departure of the organisation’s CISO, a vCISO can provide interim leadership while the search for a new CISO takes place.

Overall, a vCISO offers flexibility and expertise to organisations that require cybersecurity guidance but do not necessitate a full-time CISO.

What sets our vCISO service apart?

  1. The H-X vCISO service is built upon our extensive expertise and experience in the field of cybersecurity. Our team comprises cybersecurity professionals with years of experience designing and implementing cybersecurity programs for organisations of all sizes and across various industries.
  2. We recognise that each organisation has unique cybersecurity needs, and that’s why we tailor our approach to meet the specific requirements and goals of each client.
  3. Staying abreast of the latest industry trends and best practices is crucial, and our team continuously updates their knowledge and expertise to bring the most current insights to every engagement.
  4. Effective communication is paramount in a cybersecurity program, and we prioritise communication and collaboration with our clients. Our aim is to cultivate long-term relationships and become a trusted partner in managing our clients’ cybersecurity risks.

Service summary

⏳ Duration of delivery

Continuous. You can subscribe to managed compliance on a monthly basis and stop the subscription any day.

🎁 Can it be free or have a testing period?

Use our free online master

💼 What type of business needs it?

Businesses that lack the internal expertise or resources to manage their cybersecurity, small- and medium-sized businesses, startups.

💡 When is this service needed?

When you need expert support to manage your cybersecurity, to comply with regulations, meet customer or partner requirements, etc.

📈 Your profit

Reduced risk of data breaches, avoided fines and legal fees for non-compliance, and optimized resources by leveraging external expertise.

⚙️ Our methods and tools

Risk assessments, security policies and procedures, training, incident response, vulnerability scanners, SIEM systems, threat intelligence platforms, etc.

📑 Deliverables

Risk assessment reports, security policies and procedures, incident response plans, training materials, metrics, KPIs, etc.

Check out our additional services and business cases. Send the form below to request security professionals as a service. Get a free consultation.



A vCISO, or virtual Chief Information Security Officer, is a contracted or outsourced individual or team that provides cybersecurity leadership and guidance to an organization.

A vCISO serves as a strategic advisor to the organization's leadership and is responsible for developing and implementing an information security program that aligns with the organization's business objectives and risk appetite. They also oversee the implementation of security policies and procedures, assess and manage security risks, and provide guidance on compliance with regulations and industry standards.

The vCISO model allows organizations to benefit from the expertise of a CISO without having to hire a full-time employee. This can be especially beneficial for small and medium-sized businesses that may not have the budget or need for a full-time CISO, but still require strong cybersecurity leadership and guidance.

vCISO services typically include a range of cybersecurity consulting and advisory services aimed at helping organizations improve their overall security posture. These services may include:

Cybersecurity Strategy Development: vCISOs work with organizations to understand their business objectives, assess their risk posture, and develop a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy that aligns with their goals.

Risk Assessment and Management: vCISOs assess an organization's vulnerabilities and provide recommendations to mitigate risks, including identifying potential threats, analyzing their potential impact, and recommending appropriate risk management strategies.

Security Program Development: vCISOs help organizations develop and implement security policies and procedures, including incident response plans, disaster recovery plans, and security awareness training programs.

Compliance and Regulatory Assistance: vCISOs help organizations understand and comply with various regulations and industry standards, including HIPAA, PCI DSS, and GDPR.

Security Incident Response: vCISOs can provide guidance and support in the event of a security breach or incident, including incident response planning, investigation, and remediation.

Vendor and Third-Party Risk Management: vCISOs help organizations assess and manage the security risks associated with third-party vendors and service providers.

There are several benefits to using a vCISO instead of a full-time CISO:

Cost-Effective: A vCISO can be more cost-effective than hiring a full-time CISO, as organizations only pay for the services they need, without the additional costs of employee benefits, training, and overhead expenses.

Flexibility: A vCISO can provide services on a part-time or project basis, allowing organizations to scale their cybersecurity resources up or down as needed.

Specialized Expertise: vCISOs often have specialized expertise in specific areas of cybersecurity, such as incident response, compliance, or risk management, providing organizations with access to a wide range of expertise and experience.

Objectivity: A vCISO can provide an objective perspective on an organization's cybersecurity program, without being influenced by internal politics or biases.

Faster Results: vCISOs can often provide faster results than full-time CISOs, as they have experience working with multiple organizations and can quickly identify areas for improvement and provide recommendations.

Reduced Recruiting Burden: Finding a qualified full-time CISO can be a challenge, and the recruitment process can be time-consuming and expensive. vCISOs can help alleviate the recruiting burden by providing organizations with immediate access to cybersecurity expertise.

vCISO as a service refers to a model of providing virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO) services to organizations on a subscription or retainer basis.

Under this model, a third-party provider offers cybersecurity consulting and advisory services to organizations on a remote or virtual basis, typically through a team of experienced and certified cybersecurity professionals. The provider may offer a range of services, including cybersecurity strategy development, risk assessment and management, security program development, compliance and regulatory assistance, incident response planning, and vendor and third-party risk management.

Organizations can engage vCISO as a service providers on a subscription or retainer basis, depending on their needs and budget. The provider may offer different levels of service, ranging from basic advisory services to more comprehensive packages that include regular cybersecurity assessments, ongoing support, and incident response services.

vCISO as a service can be an attractive option for organizations that do not have the resources or need for a full-time CISO, but still require strong cybersecurity leadership and guidance. It can provide organizations with flexible and cost-effective access to cybersecurity expertise, without the commitment of hiring a full-time employee.

The cost of a virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO) can vary depending on several factors, including the scope and complexity of the organization's cybersecurity needs, the level of experience and expertise of the vCISO, and the duration of the engagement.

Some vCISO service providers may charge a flat monthly or annual fee for their services, while others may offer more customized pricing based on specific projects or engagements. In general, the cost of a vCISO can range from a few thousand dollars per month to tens of thousands of dollars per month.

It's worth noting that while a vCISO may be more cost-effective than hiring a full-time CISO, the cost of the service should be weighed against the potential benefits and risks to the organization. Ultimately, the cost of a vCISO will depend on the specific needs of the organization and the level of cybersecurity support required. It's important to work with a reputable and experienced vCISO service provider to ensure that the organization receives the best possible value for their investment.

A Virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO) provides cybersecurity leadership and guidance to organizations on a remote or virtual basis. The specific responsibilities of a vCISO may vary depending on the needs of the organization, but typically include:

Cybersecurity Strategy Development: vCISOs work with organizations to develop and implement a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy that aligns with the organization's business objectives and risk posture.

Risk Assessment and Management: vCISOs identify and assess cybersecurity risks, develop risk management strategies, and provide recommendations for mitigating risk.

Security Program Development: vCISOs help organizations develop and implement security policies and procedures, including incident response plans, disaster recovery plans, and security awareness training programs.

Compliance and Regulatory Assistance: vCISOs help organizations understand and comply with various regulations and industry standards, such as HIPAA, PCI DSS, and GDPR.

Security Incident Response: vCISOs can provide guidance and support in the event of a security breach or incident, including incident response planning, investigation, and remediation.

Vendor and Third-Party Risk Management: vCISOs help organizations assess and manage the security risks associated with third-party vendors and service providers.

Cybersecurity Awareness and Training: vCISOs can provide cybersecurity awareness and training programs to help employees understand and mitigate cybersecurity risks.

The responsibilities of a Virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO) can vary depending on the needs of the organization. However, some of the typical responsibilities of a vCISO include:

Cybersecurity Strategy: Developing and implementing a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy that aligns with the organization's business objectives and risk posture.

Risk Assessment and Management: Identifying and assessing cybersecurity risks, developing risk management strategies, and providing recommendations for mitigating risk.

Security Program Development: Developing and implementing security policies and procedures, including incident response plans, disaster recovery plans, and security awareness training programs.

Compliance and Regulatory Assistance: Helping the organization understand and comply with various regulations and industry standards, such as HIPAA, PCI DSS, and GDPR.

Security Incident Response: Providing guidance and support in the event of a security breach or incident, including incident response planning, investigation, and remediation.

Vendor and Third-Party Risk Management: Assessing and managing the security risks associated with third-party vendors and service providers.

Cybersecurity Awareness and Training: Providing cybersecurity awareness and training programs.

Security Operations Management: Overseeing the day-to-day operations of the organization's cybersecurity program, including managing security tools, monitoring security events, and coordinating security incident response.

Security Architecture and Engineering: Designing and implementing secure technology solutions to meet the organization's business objectives and security requirements.

Virtual Chief Information Security Officers (vCISOs) are becoming more popular for several reasons:

Cost-Effectiveness: Hiring a full-time Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) can be expensive, especially for small to medium-sized businesses. vCISOs offer a more cost-effective solution, allowing organizations to access cybersecurity expertise on an as-needed basis.

Flexibility: vCISOs provide cybersecurity leadership and guidance to organizations on a remote or virtual basis, making it easier for organizations to access cybersecurity expertise regardless of their geographic location.

Scalability: vCISOs can scale their services up or down depending on the needs of the organization. This allows organizations to adjust their cybersecurity support as their business needs change.

Expertise: vCISOs typically have extensive cybersecurity expertise and experience, having worked with a variety of organizations across different industries. They can bring this knowledge and experience to bear when developing and implementing cybersecurity strategies and programs.

Availability: The demand for experienced cybersecurity professionals is high, and it can be challenging for organizations to find and hire the right talent. vCISOs provide organizations with access to a pool of cybersecurity experts who are available and ready to help.

Business cases of projects we completed

Audit of smart contracts and blockchain
Business Automation
Information security incident response and investigation
Managed security and compliance (ISO 27001, etc.)
Security analysis of software source code
Security assessment: audits and penetration tests
Security Operations Center cases