What is blockchain security: examples, issues, and solutions

13 Aug 2023 Author: Maria Ohnivchuk

The pages of our blog have already addressed important aspects of blockchain technology on numerous occasions. Today, we will continue our immersion into the world of this innovation, and this time our focus will be on an aspect that is as critical as it is captivating – blockchain security.

We can confidently state that security issues in the context of blockchain play a pivotal role in its long-term success. In this article, we will examine current problems faced by developers and users, and propose potential ways to address them.

Overview of different types of blockchain

types of blockchain

To begin with, let’s have a look at the extensive landscape of blockchain. The years of technological advancement have unveiled new perspectives before us. This evolution has led to a variety of blockchain types. Let’s get to know these types. They vary in structure, consensus mechanism, and accessibility. These distinctions determine unique applications and potential for both business and society.

Blockchain typeDescriptionExamples
Public BlockchainOpen to all, accessible to anyone. Suitable for public networks and cryptocurrencies.Bitcoin, Ethereum
Private BlockchainClosed network for authorised participants. Ensures a high level of confidentiality.Hyperledger Fabric
Consortium BlockchainA hybrid between public and private blockchains, used by multiple organisations for consensus.R3 Corda, Quorum
Permissioned BlockchainRestricted access for authorised participants. Ensures confidentiality.Hyperledger Besu
Hybrid BlockchainCombines public and private attributes for different use cases.Dragonchain, QuarkChain

6 uses of Blockchain for security enhancement

code protected

The security of blockchain can be considered in terms of the advantages it can provide for safeguarding your data and systems. Below, we have described the most significant examples.

1. Fraud prevention: blockchain ensures security by verifying and confirming transactions before adding them to the blockchain, guaranteeing the recording of only legitimate operations and preventing fraud.

2. Personal data protection: blockchain ensures the protection of personal data by encrypting and storing it in a decentralized manner. This ensures that personal data is not vulnerable to cyberattacks or breaches of data security.

3. Transparency provision: blockchain ensures transparency by providing an authentic record of all transactions. This means that all participants can access the same information, ensuring transparency and accountability.

4. Cyberattack prevention: blockchain prevents cyberattacks through modern encryption methods to secure data. This hinders hackers’ access and manipulation of data on the blockchain.

5. Facilitating secure transactions: blockchain ensures secure transactions by verifying and confirming all operations before adding them to the blockchain. This guarantees transaction security and prevents counterfeiting.

6. Enhancing supply chain security: blockchain enhances supply chain security by providing a transparent and secure record of all operations within the supply chain. This ensures that all parties involved in the supply chain have access to the same information, ensuring transparency and accountability.

At the same time, as always, new technologies create new security challenges.

Identifying issues related to blockchain security

Identifying issues

Identifying and analysing issues related to blockchain security has become an integral part of our work. We explore various aspects and risks to propose reliable solutions and ensure the secure development of this technology in the future. Below are specific cases and scenarios that illustrate complexities and potential vulnerabilities.

One of the key problems associated with blockchain security is the 51% attack. In a 51% attack, a single individual or a group controls over 50% of the network’s computational power. This grants them the ability to manipulate transactions and control the blockchain. The attacker can reverse transactions, double-spend coins, and disrupt other users from participating in the network. This type of attack is particularly dangerous in public blockchains where anyone can join.

Another security-related problem with blockchain is smart contract vulnerabilities. Smart contracts are self-executing contracts where the terms of agreement between buyer and seller are directly recorded in code. Smart contracts are used to automate various business processes such as payments, insurance claims, and supply chain management. However, if these contracts are not written correctly, they can be vulnerable to attacks. Malicious actors can exploit these vulnerabilities to steal funds or disrupt the network’s operation.

In addition to the aforementioned aspects, the realm of blockchain security is also subject to a range of other challenges. Social engineering tactics are employed by fraudsters to deceive users and gain access to their personal information or cryptocurrency wallets. These tactics can include phishing emails, fake support calls, and other methods aimed at tricking users and exposing confidential information.

Phishing attacks are common methods used by scammers to obtain access to users’ personal information, including credentials and private keys. These attacks often involve creating fake websites that mimic official ones, with the goal of luring users into disclosing their confidential data. Once fraudsters gain access to this information, they can not only steal cryptocurrency from users’ wallets but also pose significant threats and breaches in the realm of blockchain security.

Exchange hacks. Cryptocurrency exchanges are online platforms where users can buy, sell, and store cryptocurrencies. However, these exchanges are often targeted by hacker attacks attempting to gain access to users’ funds. Attacks on exchanges can lead to substantial cryptocurrency losses and damage the reputation of the affected exchange.

Mining botnets are networks of computers that have been hijacked by malicious actors and used for cryptocurrency mining without their owners’ knowledge. These botnets can be utilized to mine large volumes of cryptocurrency at the expense of unsuspecting users whose computers have been compromised.

Double spending. In this type of attack, a user sends the same funds twice in order to obtain more cryptocurrency, which can compromise the network’s security. This attack can be particularly destructive in public blockchains, where the public can freely join the network and participate in consensus.

Solutions to Blockchain security issues

secure crypto

In this section, we highlight key measures that contribute to ensuring the protection of blockchain systems.

51% attack: network protection and decentralization

To counter the 51% attack, active network participation and support for the principle of decentralization are essential. Implementing consensus mechanisms such as Proof-of-Work (PoW) or Proof-of-Stake (PoS) contributes to an even distribution of computational power and motivates miners and participants to abide by the rules.

Smart contract security: auditing and education

Proper coding and audit of smart contracts are the foundation of their security. Developers should undergo specialized training in creating secure smart contracts. Automated code analysis tools can help identify potential vulnerabilities and prevent attacks.

Mitigating social engineering tactics: education and security measures

Educating users to recognize phishing attacks and other social engineering tactics plays a pivotal role. Additional security measures such as multi-factor authentication and the use of hardware wallets also reduce data breach risks.

Cryptocurrency exchange security: network solutions and cold wallets

Cryptocurrency exchanges must actively invest in network protection by implementing data encryption and deploying monitoring systems for early detection of suspicious activity. Storing a significant portion of funds in cold wallets, offline from the network, also minimizes potential threats.

Combating mining botnets: control and tracking

Regularly updating antivirus programs helps prevent the hijacking of computers into mining botnets. Recognizing anomalous activity and unplanned resource consumption also aids in detecting and preventing interference.

Protection against double spending: consensus and monitoring

Using consensus mechanisms that ensure transaction confirmation minimizes double spending risks. Continuous network monitoring for unauthorized duplicate transactions also helps prevent attacks.


blockchain is secure

In conclusion, the importance of blockchain security in the present and future is undeniable. However, ensuring the security of blockchain is a complex task, and we are ready to assist you in this process. Our experienced specialists are prepared to provide consultations and solutions to ensure the reliability and protection of your blockchain projects.

Contact us, and we will be delighted to help you achieve the utmost security in the world of blockchain.

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