What is the difference between penetration testing and Red Team?

19 Aug 2023 Author: Maria Ohnivchuk

In the modern digital era, as cyber threats take on increasingly sophisticated forms, understanding methods and approaches to ensuring information security becomes a valuable asset.

For those interested in cybersecurity, understanding the distinctions between penetration testing (pentesting) and Red Teaming can be highly useful information. This article is intended for technical specialists, managers, and anyone aiming to deepen their knowledge in the field of vulnerability analysis and attack prevention.

Advanced threats and tactics of cybercriminals present us with the task of updating and enhancing defence strategies. In this context, understanding the differences between penetration testing and Red Teaming can assist companies in developing more effective and integrated approaches to cybersecurity.

What is penetration testing?

hacker's work

In the modern architecture of digital systems, where complex networks and applications are becoming the norm, ensuring their security has become a key task. In this context, penetration testing takes the forefront as a powerful tool capable of identifying vulnerabilities in systems that potential wrongdoers could exploit for their purposes.

In simpler terms, penetration testing is a simulation of an attack on one’s own information resources. Experienced specialists conduct thorough research of networks, applications, and infrastructure, identifying possible points of entry. It is important to understand that this is not an attempt at actual hacking, but rather a methodological analysis aimed at detecting vulnerable points before they can be exploited by malicious actors.

Why is penetration testing needed?


Delving deeper into the essence of penetration testing, we focus on its key objective. This method serves not only as a virtual “intruder” but also acts as a reliable “guardian” that allows evaluating the effectiveness of your protective mechanisms against real threats.

The main goal is to identify and classify potential vulnerabilities in the system. These vulnerabilities might be related to inadequate password protection, vulnerabilities in program code, insufficient access rights, and many other aspects. By discovering these vulnerabilities, one can pinpoint the most critical areas and take appropriate measures to rectify the issues.

As a result of penetration testing, a comprehensive picture of the organization’s security level is formed. This helps identify weak points and instils confidence in your readiness to withstand real threats. Moreover, such an approach not only elevates the overall security level but also contributes to building trust among clients and partners, which holds particular significance in the era of digital technologies.

At times, social engineering attack simulations are included in the scope of penetration testing. This achieves an even more thorough and realistic assessment of an organization’s preparedness to counter real attacks. Red Teaming goes further, expanding the testing target from the organization’s regular users to its system administrators and security specialists.

What is Red Team assessment?

red team

Delving even deeper into the realms of cybersecurity, we encounter the concept of “Red Team” – a powerful tool that transforms conventional penetration testing into a true art. Here, it’s not merely about vulnerability assessment; a full-fledged stage is set where the company confronts its own defences through the lens of the most intricate attacker (Red Team) and defender (Blue Team) interaction scenarios – involving system administrators and cybersecurity specialists.

The results obtained during a Red Team assessment are invaluable, as they aid in realizing how effectively an organization detects and responds to real-time attacks, and they also help prioritize security efforts.

The primary goal of a Red Team assessment is to uncover vulnerabilities and weaknesses in an organization’s security posture that might go unnoticed when employing standard defensive methods. Experienced specialists conduct this type of assessment, and its value is particularly relevant for organizations aiming to achieve the highest level of security.

What are the differences between penetration testing and Red Team?


Understanding the distinctions between penetration testing and the Red Team methodology is a pivotal step in selecting the optimal cybersecurity strategy. Both tools are evaluated in different contexts. Let’s explore the differences between these two methods.

Below, we have compiled a table that highlights the disparities between Red Team and penetration testing, assisting the reader in comprehending which approach best suits their specific needs and goals.

Penetration testRed Team
ObjectiveIdentify vulnerabilities in systems or applications, occasionally user security skill shortcomings.Comprehensive assessment of the organization’s security level, encompassing real-time attack response by the personnel responsible for the client organization’s security.
Scope of applicationTypically focuses on identifying and evaluating the maximum number of vulnerabilities in specific systems or applications.Typically focuses on the most significant vulnerabilities, depth of penetration, and assessing real-world damage caused. Evaluates the overall security level of the organization, including the performance of its security department.
ApproachExamines specific systems or applications using known vulnerabilities, occasionally zero-day vulnerabilities. Usually conducted in an overt mode with a high level of client oversight. Vulnerabilities are verified but rarely exploited. Multi-stage privilege escalation, lateral movement, or data exfiltration are not performed. Evidence are always saved.Simulates real attacks using advanced methods and tools, including software specially developed for the client’s infrastructure (simulated malware, custom payloads, scripts, etc.). Conducted in a covert mode, with only the highest management of the client organization being aware of the testing. Vulnerabilities are exploited. Multi-stage privilege escalation, lateral movement, data exfiltration are performed. Evidence are sometimes destroyed.
EmphasisFocuses on identifying known vulnerabilities.Discovers weaknesses that might go unnoticed with traditional defence methods.
ClientsAny organization seeking to identify vulnerabilities in specific systems or applications.Organizations requiring the highest level of security and already possessing experience with penetration testing.
ResultsResults provide information about specific vulnerabilities in systems or applications and an assessment of their risks.Results offer valuable insights into the organization’s ability to detect and respond to real-world attacks.
Frequency of occurrenceConducted as needed or periodically in accordance with compliance standards’ requirements.Usually initiated by the top management of the organization as an advanced form of penetration testing.

What is suitable for My Business?


If your company seeks a comprehensive assessment of overall security, including evaluating the effectiveness of your system administrators, security specialists, and aspects beyond the technical realm, a Red Team assessment might be more suitable. This approach not only involves vulnerability assessment but also creates complex attack scenarios, enabling the evaluation of your system’s response to realistic threats.

However, if your company aims to identify vulnerabilities in a specific system or application and lacks experience with penetration testing, then initially, it could be more advisable than Red Team. This method focuses on analysing specific vulnerabilities and their impact on the target system.

In any case, it’s important for businesses to assess their unique security needs and consult with experienced experts to determine the optimal approach for enhancing security.

Who do we recommend using Red Team?


Red Team is an ideal companion for companies seeking robust security guidance. Let’s explore for which specific types of organizations Red Team can be most advantageous and beneficial.

Typically, Red Team is particularly valuable for organizations aiming to elevate their overall security posture, as it offers a comprehensive assessment of their protection. This form of assessment is also useful for organizations that must comply with industry norms and standards, such as those in the financial sector, energy sector or healthcare.

Another group that could benefit from Red Team exercises is organizations that have experienced security incidents. Red Team can help such organizations identify any remaining vulnerabilities and weaknesses in their systems, as well as test the effectiveness of any new security measures implemented.

In general, any organization striving to ensure the security and protection of its systems and data can derive significant benefits from applying the Red Team method as a logical extension of traditional penetration tests.



In conclusion, penetration testing and Red Team assessments are valuable tools for proactively identifying vulnerabilities and reducing potential security risks.

The optimal choice between these approaches depends on each company’s unique needs, and we recommend seeking consultation from experienced experts.

It’s important to realize that waiting for a cyber attack is not a proactive approach. Regular security assessments provide a high level of protection for your business and data. Contact us today to discuss consultation and the initial steps towards strengthening your cybersecurity.

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