Online smart contract security analyser

4 Oct 2022 Author: Vladimir Buldyzhov

We have developed and implemented the world’s first online smart contract security analyser. This free service performs automatic analysis of your smart contracts in just a few minutes.

Here are some of the applied and planned engines of the online analyser:

– Mythril, 

– Securify, 

– Slither, 

– Echidna, 

– Etheno, 

– Manticore, 

– Rattle, 

– Not So Smart Contract. 

You do not need to install these engines on your computer, configure them, and run them manually. We have done this for you. 

If you compare automatic and manual smart contract analysis, manual analysis is much more reliable. You can learn more about the benefits of manual smart contract analysis from the links below:

Top 3 smart contract audit tools

Audit of smart contracts

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